COMPASS Consultants Corporation
Ron McKenzie - Architect. Author. Advisor.
"COMPASS Consultants Can
Help Point You in the
Right Direction"
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Ron McKenzie is president of COMPASS Consultants Corporation, a national strategic planning and marketing company helping architects, design/builders, contractors, subcontractors, construction managers and engineers develop a positioning advantage through his Business Growth Consulting, Las Vegas Seminars and D.E.M. Publishers. Ron also is an experienced peer group facilitator and approved by
- Painting and Decorating Contractors of America (PDCA);
- Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), and
- GC Peers managed by BD4AEC.ORG
GC Peers is a construction peer group management company that puts non-competing contractors together and facilitates their meetings with a focus on company growth. GC Peers actively help company leaders outwit their competitors.
Ron has teamed up with experts in all parts of the construction industry to provide the very best consultative services deigned to grow your business. Click Curriculum Vitae for a detailed description of Ron McKenzie's background.
Architect. Author. Advisor.
"Ron Facilitates His
Client's Dreams"
“Business planning is often an overlooked management tool. Developing a business planning mindset to manage people and to tackle challenges is often the only difference between successful companies and ones that struggle with the same issues year-after-year.”
FROM RON: As to my background, for the last twenty-five years, I’ve been a strategic planning consultant and I assist companies in growing their businesses. Many companies are doing quite well in this economy, and there are several reasons for that, but one reason is they use planning as a business tool. Very often, businesses fail to plan, and when I realized this fact many years ago, I developed a book proposal on business planning, and sent it to several publishers. I was very fortunate as McGraw-Hill offered me a contract. Eighteen months later Successful Business Plans for Architects was published.
As a result of the business planning methodologies I developed, I entered the consulting field so I could help other companies. I started doing two-day seminars, and as a result, I attracted clients all across the United States. Since that time I’ve conducted over fifty seminars as well as speaking at major conventions in Las Vegas, Chicago, San Francisco, Florida, Miami, New York, Detroit, Hong Kong and Paris. I also spoke at the Graduate School of Architecture at the University of Illinois, and also the PDCA Contractor College as a featured speaker. I have also facilitated over fifty business plan meetings and workshops.

Ron is a licensed architect in the State of California since 1978.