COMPASS Consultants Corporation
Ron McKenzie - Architect. Author. Advisor.
"COMPASS Consultants Can
Help Point You in the
Right Direction"
Would you like to tap into the Federal Market?
As a strategic planner in the construction industry, and as someone who has spent a great deal of time as a business developer seeking new markets, it is clear that federal government contracts for construction offer some of the most financially rewarding opportunities available. It doesn’t matter if the market is good or bad, there are still on-going federal projects available each year.
The most difficult task dealing with the federal market is to communicate the necessary and required steps to become successful. Please understand this one point – you can become successful in this market. It is desire, combined with a positive attitude, and the willingness to work with experienced federal consultants that will get you there. The federal market is not a business developer filling out a form online, and then tapping into a web site and starting to hunt for projects. To be honest, to the outsider, the process will appear to be overwhelming in its complexity.
The KEY to SUCCESS in the federal market is to understand the process, and to use proven, qualified resources that provide a road map to win your first federal project. Part of the requirement is you’ll have to develop a business plan, as well as some other positioning documents, and that’s my primary role.
As a licensed architect since 1976 I understand the big picture as to how projects develop. Over the last 25 years I have prepared strategic, business and marketing plans for architectural, engineering, contracting, sub-contracting, design-build and construction management companies. I have also prepared responses to RFP and RFQ's for commercial and industrial projects and state and federally funded K-12 projects, as well as organizing and leading face-to-face presentations, as well as coordinating all follow-up communications.
Currently I work in the federal market with Marc Pacino of Ambiente Federal Services, LLC as a team member focusing on helping construction companies and service providers win federal contracts. I assist in preparing the required submittals, such as business plans, technical assistance plans and others to become successful in the Federal Market.
Marc Pacino is an experienced federal consultant who guides companies through the process and actually becomes a team member with you. He participates in the Team Partnering Alliances and actually schedules Joint Capabilities Presentations with Federal Contracting Officers with your teaming partners to develop “Face Time” with these senior directorates, which is a “MUST” to develop your Federal presence. This is the KEY to winning federal projects.
One important point to consider is there are many construction companies or service providers that could become very successful in the federal market with some knowledge and leadership to introduce them and train them in the process. This means these companies would have a new market to explore where they have an opportunity to add to their bottom line. Remember, a roof is a roof no matter if it’s on a new school or on a federal building. Talk to us and we can help you enter this market safely.
Give me a call and let’s talk, and I’ll help you understand more of how your company can tap into these government contracts.Or you can call Marc Pacino directly. If you do, tell him you were at my web site or that we talked on the phone.

Ronald A McKenzie, President, Las Vegas, NV 89147
630-740-4434 Office; 949-295-3321 Cell