COMPASS Consultants Corporation
Ron McKenzie - Architect. Author. Advisor.
"COMPASS Consultants Can
Help Point You in the
Right Direction"
You Can Grow Your Construction Business
Companies in the construction arena can gain a significant strategic advantage with planning that will impact the bottom line. The services offered focus on developing competitive advantages for companies in the construction industry. The GOAL is to seek . . .
- Develop Competitive Advantages
- Improve Operational Performance
- Align Individual Efforts with Corporate Goals
- Develop Business and Marketing plans
- Assist in Entering NEW Markets such as Federal
Business Growth Starts With Business Planning
Business Planning is a Management Tool
To build a complex building, you must plan ahead by developing comprehensive diagrams of the construction processes, with details as to the material used, along with a structural design and mechanical systems. It takes months to put together the plan and the team of people to make it happen.
What is often misunderstood is a business, particularly a construction business, requires the same components and attention to detail to make a business grow consistently.
With the proper tools in place, growing a business becomes a process, and as you establish benchmarks, you will move closer and closer to your goals.
A strategic plan provides direction for a company and it’s employees for three-to-five years based upon developing a company strategy of where your company wants to be in terms of positioning in your market place. It’s a reflection of your corporate vision coupled with a strategic analysis of your market, your strengths, your key factors for success, and how you deliver your services. A strategic plan may or may not be driven by company growth in terms of dollars.
The business plan says, based upon the strategic plan, this is what we are all going to do this year to work toward accomplishing the strategic plan. The implementation of the plan is much more detailed, and can be used as a basis for performance reviews. A business plan, used properly is a management tool – it’s meant to be used throughout the year as a guide for managing the business. The plan includes one-year proforma financials ideally on a month-by-month basis.
A marketing plan is what you’re going to do this year to support the business plan, and in turn, support the long-range objectives of the strategic plan. You can’t stop marketing because there is not a business plan or a strategic plan in place, but a well thought out strategic plan will change in subtle ways the marketing of your company.