COMPASS Consultants Corporation
Ron McKenzie - Architect. Author. Advisor.
"COMPASS Consultants Can
Help Point You in the
Right Direction"
Wouldn't you rather be playing more golf, or enjoying your favorite past time?
There is one secret that separates many construction marketing executives from their competition. You can easily identify them because they have business. They seem to have project after project. It doesn’t matter if you’re an architect, design/builder, contractor, subcontractor, construction manager, or engineer – it works. These select few, by their decision, play more golf, where they want, and when they want.
The secret is easy, affordable, manageable, and anyone can do it. For some it comes naturally, for others they have to work at it by understanding, really understanding, the nuance of the tactic.
What is it?
How do you learn it?
What's the first step?
It's easy!
- Hire me as a speaker at your next association event.
- Retain me as a consultant and let me work with your executive staff and take them to a new level where everyone is working together toward a common goal.
- Attend a seminar where I speak, such as a Las Vegas Construction seminar.
You must have something they don’t have; something they can never duplicate; something that filters through your entire company. This goes far beyond establishing a competitive advantage. It’s an extension of your competitive advantage – something very few people really understand.
If your company is having difficulty, there is something you can do right now, something that you can change, that will make a difference from this day forward..
Contact me to find out the many ways I can help you.
Just pick up the phone and call me at 630-740-4434, and say…
“Ron, I want to play more golf.”
You must understand what I’ve stated elsewhere in this web site; if you compete using the same sets of standards that everyone does, such as on time, under budget, best experience, best design, or best expertise in a market niche . . .